Categories Jekyll Hello World Microservices Microservices.Net Fundamentals Useful links, resources Convey Machine Learning Useful links, resources OpenCV Deep learning using Google Colaboratory Mark Down Markdown cheat sheet Python Performing HTTP request in Python Useful links, resources RASA Setup Rasa SDK on local machine Video streaming with Flask OpenCV Python Dotnet Microservices.Net Fundamentals Run ASP.NET Core 3.1 Apps in Docker with HTTPS. Docker Github Actions Docker Fundamentals Run ASP.NET Core 3.1 Apps in Docker with HTTPS. OpenCV Video streaming with Flask OpenCV Flask Video streaming with Flask JWT JSON Web Token ChatBOT RASA Setup Rasa SDK on local machine Rasa Enhancing RASA NLU model with custom components RASA Setup Rasa SDK on local machine Logo Design Useful links, resources Video Editing Useful links, resources Angular NativeScript Creating native Android packages and using them in NativeScript Angular NativeScript NativeScript Creating native Android packages and using them in NativeScript Android Kotlin-Android Creating native Android packages and using them in NativeScript C# Microservices.Net Fundamentals Kotlin Kotlin-Android Postfix Email Server SMTP Email Server Raspberry Pi Email Server Webserver Web Server Devops Github Actions Github Github Actions devops Kubernetes kubernetes Kubernetes docker Kubernetes container Kubernetes