Markdown cheat sheet

Prakash Dale · July 25, 2020

Basic syntax


# H1

## H2

### H3




*italicized text*




To add an image, add an exclamation mark (!), followed by alt text in brackets, and the path or URL to the image asset in parentheses. You can optionally add a title after the URL in the parentheses.

![Philadelphia's Magic Gardens. This place was so cool!](/assets/images/philly-magic-gardens.jpg "Philadelphia's Magic Gardens")

Horizontal Ruler



To add a table, use three or more hyphens --- to create each column’s header, and use pipes | to separate each column. You can optionally add pipes on either end of the table.

| Syntax      | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header      | Title       |
| Paragraph   | Text        |

The rendered output looks like this:

Syntax Description
Header Title
Paragraph Text

You can align text in the columns to the left, right, or center by adding a colon (:) to the left, right, or on both side of the hyphens within the header row.

| Syntax      | Description | Test Text     |
| :---        |    :----:   |          ---: |
| Header      | Title       | Here's this   |
| Paragraph   | Text        | And more      |

The rendered output looks like below:

Syntax Description Test Text
Header Title Here’s this
Paragraph Text And more

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